Sunday, February 17, 2019

10 General Rules of Thumb:

  1. Crony Capitalism” or “Corporatism” is just Capitalism.
  2. Social Democracy” is welfare-state Capitalism.
  3. Neoliberalism” is Liberalism in the sense that it seeks to maintain Capitalism.
  4. Neoconservatism” is Conservatism in the sense that it seeks to maintain Capitalism.
  5. Liberalism and Conservatism both embrace Capitalism (two sides of the same ideological coin, both technically representing traditional “Liberal” values).
  6. Liberalism is not Leftism (Liberals are not Leftists).
  7. “Liberal vs. Conservative” is a false dichotomy; there are other schools of sociopolitical thought.
  8. “Democrat vs. Republican” is a false dichotomy (two sides of the sa
  9. ame “business party” coin); there are not only other options in terms of political parties, but other routes outside of electoral politics that must also be explored in order for us to see radical socioeconomic change for the better.
  10. Socialism and Communism are not the same thing (think of Socialism as the period between Capitalism and Communism).
  11. If you are a Socialist, you are most likely a Communist as well; think of Communism as the “end goal,” and Socialism as the (r)evolutionary stage(s) or pathway that gets us there.
  12. WHO


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