Thursday, October 29, 2020

Olbermann vs. Trump #16: Trump Is Sundowning

It's tough to look at someone who went insane years or decades ago and say "he's gone crazy - again." But insanity has degrees, and if you mix in the nightmares of cognitive decline, you get what Trump has shown us in his last desperate, crazy, campaign rallies.
Today - Thursday the 29th - he threatened the newly self-revealed "Anonymous," Miles Taylor. Previously it was invoking Joe Biden and the word "shot." He has insisted there's a Covid-19 mask you have to wear in California, that you physically cannot take off. That's actually the Dumas novel "The Man In The Iron Mask."
And then he decided putting his face - only from nose to hairline - in a giant video screen over his fascist rally in Lansing, Michigan, was a great idea. Sure, if this is 1984 and he's the ultimate dictator, "Big Brother."
We are left constantly asking WTF is wrong with this guy? I go through all the possibilities, from drug use to impaired social development as a child. But the answer is, sadly, that WTF is principally wrong with this madman is: the Republican party that chooses to exploit his appeal to morons and the violent.
Watch my first political commentaries since The Resistance in this newest episode of my new series on Trump and the 2020 election: The Worst Person In The World With Keith Olbermann (or if the spelling overwhelms you, Olberman Oberman Oblerman Obermann and of course Kieth). The countdown, so to speak, is over! You know: the countdown with Keith Olbermann ;-

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