Sunday, August 6, 2017

Sophia Stewart Real Creator of the Matrix

Sophia Stewart 2017 at a closed event at the Los Angeles Studio Center, talks about "The Matrix 4", "The Terminator" movies, and her original book "The Third Eye" published back in 1981 which delivered the stories for those billion dollar block buster movies.

How will our future look like in a very shortly? How will law enforcement change, what does technology make possible in terms of good and bad, how will currency and the use of money change?
You should better know and get prepared!

Sophia Stewart is a visionary, and intuitive writer, an author who speaks from a place of deep spiritual wisdom, and knowledge of quantum science.
And most of all, she is certainly a very warm person!

When Sophia has something to say, you'd better listen.

There may be things about the matrix we live in, you may not be able to imagine could come when Sophia has the ability to foresee the future. When we listen to a visionary it is sometimes hard to grasp how things we cannot even imagine would all tie together. And so many just call this entertaining stories.

But remember that it was the same with Leonardo da Vinci or Nikola Tesla back in their time, when nobody could grasp some of their ideas. The scribbled notes and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci for example, are the basis of many technical developments created in the last 100 years. We wonder how he could have known the mechanical setup of some machines would work that way when at his time the technology for building the vehicles he outlined was not even available? - Go figure...

No matter, if you are a believer, a futurist, just a movie enthusiast or watched "The Matrix" and "Terminator" movies just for entertainment, it is hard to deny that they contain a lot of concepts that inspire very deep thinking. Think about it ;-)

Sophia Stewart, author of "The Matrix", "The Terminator", "The Third Eye", visionary author and spiritual "oracle".

You can Sophia's book "The Third Eye" here

Her books contain the full stories in the right order which Terminator and The Matrix were created from separately. The little know fact is that this is one and the same continuing story, where different sequences have been ripped out to make two block buster series from. In reality, Neo, "the chosen one" from The Matrix story is the boy hunted by the Terminator.

The real story as originally written by Sohia Stewart goes, that it is a whole man versus machine scneario where Terminator comes back from the future to kill the boy who later becomes the hacker Neo when he grows up. So Neo must be erased in order to make the later Matrix disruptor non-existent!

You can read about the whole story in the original order as written by Sophia Stewart in her books HERE:

It is a must read for fans, and truth seekers who want to grasp the Terminator and Matrix whole picture, as well as for the ones of you out there looking for a ton of insightful information about possibly forthcoming impacts of nowadays technology and the (yet) unexpected influence on our lives and society!

In my humble opinion this is a super must read and must know!

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